1. Allen P.M. 1984, Self-Organization and Evolution in Urban Systems in Cities and Regions as Non-linear Decision Systems, AAAS Selected Symposiua, 77, Ed. R. Crosby. Westview Press, Boulder Colorado.
2. Allen P.M., 1988 Evolution: Why the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts, in Ecodynamics, Soeder & Drepper Springer Verlag, Berlin.
3. Allen P.M. 1991, Fisheries: Models of learning and Uncertainty, in Pecheries Ouest Africaines, Variabilité, Instabilité et Changement, Eds Ph. Cury & Cl.Roy ORSTOM, Paris
4. Allen P.M. 1994 Evolution, Sustainability and Industrial Metabolism, in Industrial Metabolism, Eds R. Ayer and U.E. Simonis, United nations University Press, Tokyo
5. Allen P.M. and Lesser M., 1991, Evolutionary Human Systems: Learning, Ignorance and Subjectivity, in Evolutionary Theories of Economic and Technological Change, Eds P. Saviotti and S. Metcalfe, Harwood, Chur. Harwood, Chur, Switzerland