Coulson’s Challenge


Coleman A. John,Yukalov Vyacheslav I.


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference27 articles.

1. In his speech recorded in Rev. Mod. Physics, 32,175 (1962) and in private conversation, Charles Coulson insisted on the importance of the 2-matrix as the encoder of correlation and on the desirability of finding ways to work directly with it instead of with the wavefunction which contains much redundant information. Because of this, in 1971 he invited Coleman to give 12 lectures about RDM’s to his Seminar in Oxford. Coulson sat in the front row participating actively in discussion.

2. The correlation matrix was defined by Coleman on p. 6 of the J. of Low Temp. Physics, 74, 1-17(1989). This idea was made more precise in papers by Coleman and Yukalov: See Nuovo Cimento B108,1377 (1993);

3. Int.J. of Modern Physics, B 25, 3503-3515 (1996) and references therein.

4. Zhislin G.M., Trudi Mosk. Mat. Obsc, 9, 81 (1960), Theorem III, p.84

5. Hill R.N., J. Math Physics, 18, 2316 (1977)

Cited by 5 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. The Electron Density;Topological Approaches to the Chemical Bond;2023

2. N-representability of the Jastrow wave function pair density of the lowest-order;Scientific Reports;2017-08-08

3. Natural molecular shells as open subsystems of small molecules;International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;2011-01-19

4. Variational reduced-density-matrix theory applied to the electronic structure of few-electron quantum dots;Physical Review A;2008-09-09

5. Pfaffians and chemists;Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM;2000-08







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