1. Hauer, E. and Cooper, P.J., “Effectiveness of Selective Enforcement in Reducing Accidents in Metropolitan Toronto, Transportation Research Record 643, TRB, Washington, 1977.
2. Hauer, E., “The Traffic Conflicts Technique — Fundamental Issues”, Dept, of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 1976.
3. Hauer, E., “Design Considerations of Traffic Conflict Surveys”, Transportation Research Record 667, TRB, Washington, 1978.
4. Allen, B.L. and Loutit, C.B., “Investigation of Post Encroachment Time as a Traffic Conflicts Technique”, Dept of Civil Engineering, McMaster University-, Hamilton, Ontario, 1979.
5. Damas and Smith Ltd., “Post Encroachment Time Conflict Technique — A Traffic Safety Tool?”, Final Report to Transport Canada, Ottawa, 1981.