1. Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H., Ollus, M.: ECOLEAD: A Holistic Approach to Creation and Management of Dynamic Virtual Organizations. In: 6th IFIP Working Conf. on Virtual Enterprises, pp. 3–16. Springer, Boston (2005)
2. Chituc, C.M., Azevedo, A.L.: Multi-Perspective Challenges on Collaborative Networks Business Environments. In: 6th IFIP Working Conf. on Virtual Enterprises, pp. 25–32. Springer, Boston (2005)
3. Picard, W.: Modeling Structured Non-monolithic Collaboration Processes. In: 6th IFIP Working Conf. on Virtual Enterprises, pp. 379–386. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
4. LinkedIn,
5. MySpace,