1. Baumer S, Schuler R (2003) Improving a probabilistic 3-SAT algorithm by dynamic search and independent clause pairs. ECCC TR03-010. Also presented at SAT
2. Dantsin E, Goerdt A, Hirsch EA, Kannan R, Kleinberg J, Papadimitriou C, Raghavan P, Schöning U (2002) A deterministic
$$(2 - 2/(k + 1))^{n}$$
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3. Hofmeister T, Schöning U, Schuler R, Watanabe O (2002) Probabilistic 3-SAT algorithm further improved. In: Proceedings 19th symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science, Juan-les-Pins. LNCS, vol 2285, pp 193–202
4. Iwama K, Tamaki S (2004) Improved upper bounds for 3-SA T. In: Proceedings 15th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms, New Orleans, pp 321–322
5. Kautz H, Selman B (2003) Ten challenges redux: recent progress in propositional reasoning and search. In: Proceedings 9th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming, Kinsale, pp 1–18