1. Hafner,R. (1982). Simple Construction of Least Favourable Pairs of Distributions and of Robust Tests for Prokhorov-Neighbourhoods. Math.Operationsforsch.Statist., Ser.Statistics, 13, 33–46.
2. Österreicher,F. The Construction of Least Favourable Distributions is Traceable to a Minimum Parameter Problem. (Unpublished Mansucript).
3. Hafner,R. (1982). Construction of Least Favourable Pairs of Distributions and of Robust Tests for Contamination Neighbourhoods. Math.Operationsforsch.Statist., Ser.Statistics, 13, 47–56.
4. üsterreicher,F. (1978). On the Construction of Least Favourable Pairs of Distributions. Z.Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete, 43, 49–55.
5. Hafner,R. (to appear). Konstruktion von Minimax-Tests für dominierte Familien von Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichten.