1. A. Arima, K. Shimizu, W. Bentz and H. Hyuga, ‘Nuclear Magnetic Properties and Gamow-Teller Transitions’, to be published in Adv. Nucl. Phys.
2. A. Arima and H. Hyuga, in Mesons in Nuclei, ed. D.H. Wilkinson and M. Rho (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979) 685.
3. I.S. Towner and F.C. Khanna, Nucl. Phys. A399 (1983) 334.
4. A. Arima and H. Horie, Progr. Theor. Phys. 11 (1954) 509, 12 (1954) 623.
5. K. Shimizu, M. Ichimura and A. Arima, Nucl. Phys.A226 (1974) 282.