1. Baskett, F. Puzzle: an informal compute bound benchmark, widely circulated and run
2. Henncssy, J.L. SLIM: A Language for Simulation and PLA Generation in VLSI. Tech. Rept. 195, Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, 1980.
3. Lampson, B.W., McDaniel, G.A. and S.M. Ornstein. An Instruction Fctch Unit for a High Performance Personal Computer. Tech. Rept. CSL-81-1, Xerox PARC, Jan, 1981
4. Patterson, D.A. and Sequin C.H. RISC-I: A Reduced Instruction Set VLSI Computer. Proc. of the Eighth Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, Minneapolis, Minn., May, 1981.
5. Widdoes, L.C. The S-l Project: Developing high performance digital computers. Proc. Compcon, IEEE, San Francisco, Feb, 1980.