1. H.Weyl, “Raum - Zeit - Materie”, VaEd., Berlino (1923), par. 38; A.S. Eddington, “The mathematical Theory of Relativity”, Londra (1923), par.56,
2. A.Einstein e J.Grommer, “Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und Bewegungsgesetz” Sitz . Preuss? Ak. Wiss. , Berlino (1927),I.
3. A.Einstein, L.Infeld, B.Hoffmann “The gravitational equations and the problem of motion”, Ann.of Math., vol.39, (1938), 66;
4. A.Einstein, L.Infeld, “The gravitational equations and the problem of motion (II)”, Ann.of Math.; vol.41,(1940), 455;
5. A.Einstein, L.Infeld, “Motion of particles in general rela tivity theory”, Canadian Journ.of Math., vol.I (1949), 209.