1. Carlson, A.B., Crilly, P.B., Rutledge, J.C., “Communication Systems – An Introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical Communication (4th Ed.)”, McGraw-Hill International, 2002
2. Lathi, B.P., “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (3rd Ed.)”, Oxford University Press, 2005
3. Taub, H., Schilling, D.L., “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw-Hill, 1986 (Original from the University of Michigan)
4. Smith, B., “Instantaneous Companding of Quantized Signals,” Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 36, May 1957, pp. 653–709
5. Kaneko, H., “A Unified Formulation of Segment Companding Laws and Synthesis of Codecs and Digital Compandors,” Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 49, September 1970, pp. 1555–1558