1. C. Infante, D. Denham and B. McKibben, A 230 MHz Bandwidth High-Resolution Monitor, SID 1983 Digest, pp 124–125.
2. S. Larach and A.E. Hardy, Cathode-Ray-Tube Phosphors, Principles and Applications, Proc. of IEEE, Vol 61, pp 915–926 (1973).
3. B. Janko, A New High-Speed CRT, Proc. of SID, Vol. 20/2, pp 55–60 (1979).
4. A.M. Morrell et al., “Color Television Picture Tubes,” Academic Press, New York, 1974.
5. M. van Alphen and J. van den Berg, Quadrupole Post-Focusing Shadow-Mask CRT, SID 1980 Digest, pp 46–47.