1. Finnie, I., and W. R. Heller: Creep of Engineering Materials, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1952.
2. Orowan, E.: “Creep in Metallic and Non-Metallic Materials”, Proe. First US National Congress on Applied Mechanics, 1953, pp. 453–472.
3. Pao, Y. H., and J. Marin: “An Analytical Theory of the Creep Deformations of Materials”, Transactions of ASME, 75, 245–253 (1953).
4. Stulen, F. B.: Report No. C-2721, Mechanical Properties of Metals, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Caldwell, N. J., 1957.
5. Dorn, J. E.: “The Spectrum of Activation Energies for Creep”, Proc. of a Seminar on “Creep and Recovery”, published by American Society for Metals, 1957, pp. 255–284.