1. Strutt, M. J. O.: Lamésche-Mathieusche and Verwandte Funktionen in Physik and Technik. Berlin: Springer 1932 (also Ann Arbor: Edwards 1944 ).
2. Stoker, J. J.: Nonlinear Vibrations. New York: Interscience Publishers 1950. — This and the preceding book introduce the mathematics of differential equations with periodic coefficients.
3. Livingston, M. S.: High Energy Accelerators. New York: Interscience Publishers 1954. — An elementary introduction to particle accelerators.
4. Sturrock, P. A.: Static and Dynamic Electron Optics. Cambridge 1955. — The theory of particle orbits using the formalism of generalized mechanics.
5. Proceedings — CERN Symposium on High Energy Accelerators—Vol. I. CERN, Geneva, 1956. — A valuable collection of papers on high energy accelerators by an international group of authors. Individual papers are referenced throughout the text.