1. G Basavaraju, P P Kane, Lynn D Kissel and R H Pratt,Phys. Rev. A49, 3664 (1994)
2. P P Kane, Lynn Kissel, R H Pratt and S C Roy,Phys. Rep. 140, 75 (1986)
3. The reliability has been tested in a study of elastic scattering of 88.03 keVγ rays by lead for which the value of (hv − ε K ) is only (27 ± 7)eV and the resonant contributions are consequently much larger than the ones in the present study. The test was performed as follows. Extending theS matrix treatment by successive stages to (K), (K + L), (K + L + M) and (K + L + M + N) shells, removing at each stage uncancelled spurious resonances and adding (MF) contributions of remaining electrons, the scattering cross-sections for 125° at (K + L) and (K + L + M) stages were found to differ from the final value at the (K + L + M + N) stage by less than 2.4% and 0.6%, respectively. Further, the cross-section calculated by anS matrix treatment of all occupied shells, requiring an enormously longer computation time but automatically ensuring cancellation of spurious resonances, differed by less than 0.2% from that calculated at the above mentioned (K + L + M + N) stage.
4. C M Lederer and V S Shirley,Table of Isotopes, 7th edn. (Wiley, New York, 1978)
5. G Basavaraju and P P Kane, inProceedings of the eighth symposium on radiation measurements and applications held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, May 16–19, 1994,Nucl. Instrum. Methods A353, 209 (1994)