1. Yang, R., Bian, J., & Zhu, C. (2011). Fixed point dual circular 32-QAM performance for wireless USB. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 5(9), 2396–2407.
2. MBOA standard MultiBand OFDM physical layer proposal for IEEE 802.15.3a, September 2004, http://www.wimedia.org/imwp/idms/popups/pop_download.asp?ContentID=6516 .
3. USB-IF. Certified wireless USB. http://www.usb.org/developers/wusb/ .
4. ECMA-368, High rate ultra wideband PHY and MAC standard, 3rd Edition, December 2008, also maintained as ISO/IEC 26907.
5. Cho, B.-L., Ahn, Y.-K., Hong, S.-H., Lee, M. M. O., Oh, H.-M., Kim, K.-H., et al. (2005). Design of UWB transmitter and a new multiple-access method for home network environment in UWB systems. Networking—ICN 2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3420, 421–429.