1. Aldous, M., Barnett, D., & King, C. (Eds.)Teacher education programs for native people. Saskatoon: Research Resources Center, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, 1973.
2. Barnett, D. C., & Aldous, M. Ten principles underlying a teacher education program for native people.The Northian, 1973,9(3), 36–38.
3. Becker, H. A., DeVita, J. C., & Drowne, F.Your new career as a teacher aide. New London, Conn.: Craft Educational Services, 1971.
4. Community experiences and intergroup relations for students in elementary education. Unpublished paper, College of Education, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., 1972.
5. Dean's Committee on a Native Teacher Training Program. A proposal for a native Indian teacher education program. Report, University of British Columbia, 1974.