1. S. W. Herb, D. C. Hom, L. M. Lederman, J. C. Sens, H. D. Snyder, J. K. Yoh, J. A. Appel, B. C. Brown, C. N. Brown, W. R. Innes, K. Ueno, T. Yamanouchi, A. S. Ito, H. Jöstlein, D. M. Kaplan andR. D. Kephart:Phys. Rev. Lett.,39, 252 (1977).
2. See for example the review article ofB. Gittelman andS. Stone: Cornell University, CLNS 87/81, September 1987 and references therein.
3. ARGUS Collaboration (H. Albrecht et al.):Phys. Lett. B,192, 245 (1987).
4. U. Amaldi andG. Coignet:Nucl. Instrum. Methods A,260, 7 (1987); see also ref.[34h]; b)R. Eichler, T. Nakada, K. Schubert, S. Weseler andK. Wille: SIN-PR-86-13 (Nov. 1986); c)D. B. Cline: WISC-EX-86-276 and 285, UCLA Print-88-0029 and UCLA/87/TEP/6 (April 1987) and references therein; d)E. D. Bloom, talk presented at theB Meson Factory Workshop, SLAC, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, September 7–8, 1987;M. K. Sullivan et al.: UC-IRPA-97-01 (January 1987) and references therein; e)J. Kirkby: CERN Internal Note, Print-87-0687.
5. The lifetimes and masses for τ±, D±, D0 and Ds± mesons have been taken from ref. [16] ; the lifetime of the B mesons has been taken fromS. L. Wu: DESY 87-164 (December 1987); Rapporteur talk given at the1987 International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Hamburg, July 27–August 3, 1987. The masses of the B mesons, as well as the mass of the γ[4S] and γ[5S] resonances, have been taken from ref.[2]:m(γ[4S])=(10577.5±2.0) MeV/c2 andm(γ[5S])=(10868±8) MeV/c2.