Friedreich's Ataxia French Association (AFAF)
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology
Reference38 articles.
1. Dinnett EM, Mungall MM, Kent JA, Ronald ES, McIntyre KE, Anderson E, et al. Unblinding of trial participants to their treatment allocation: lessons from the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER). Clin Trials. 2005;2:254–9.
2. Miller FA, Christensen R, Giacomini M, Robert JS. Duty to disclose what? Querying the putative obligation to return research results to participants. J Med Ethics. 2008;34:210–3.
3. MacNeil SD, Fernandez CV. Attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards disclosure of research results to participants: results of a national survey. J Med Ethics. 2007;33:549–53.
4. Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités. Code de la santé publique. L1122-1. Sect. Chapitre II: Information de la personne qui se prête à une recherche impliquant la personne humaine et recueil de son consentement May 16, 2016.;jsessionid=3930D09EE1D275059E733436A8A59A14.tpdila22v_1?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA000025457449&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006072665&dateTexte=20170329 . Accessed 24 Apr 2017.
5. Multi-Regional Clinical Trials of Harvard and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. MRCT return of results Toolkit. 2015. Report No.: Version 2.0. . Accessed 11 June 2017.