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2. Aigner, M., Jüttler, B.: Approximation flows in shape manifolds. In: Chenin, P., Lyche, T., Schumaker, L. (eds.) Curve and Surface Design, Avignon, 2006, pp. 1–10. Nashboro Press, Brentwood (2007)
3. Aigner, M., Jüttler, B.: Distance regression by Gauss–Newton-type methods and iteratively re-weighted least-squares. Tech. Rep. 54, FSP S92 “Industrial Geometry” (2007). www.ig.jku.at
4. Aigner, M., Jüttler, B.: Hybrid curve fitting. Computing 79, 237–247 (2007)
5. Aigner, M., Šír, Z., Jüttler, B.: Evolution-based least-squares fitting using Pythagorean hodograph spline curves. Comput. Aided Geom. Des. 24, 310–322 (2007)