1. Biedl, Innere Sekretion. 1910.
2. Fischer, B., Hypophysis, Akromegalie und Fettsucht. Bergmann-Wiesbaden 1910, dort auch die Literatur.
3. Âuer u. Meltzer, On the action of the infundibular portion of the hypophysis upon vasodilators. Ztlbl. f. d. ges. innere Med. 1912, Bd. 3, S. 749.
4. Cushing u. Goetsch, Concerning the secretion of the infundibular lobe of the pituitary body and its presence in the ceresbrospinal fluid. American journal of physiology. 1910, vol. 27, p. 60.
5. Cushing u. Homans, Effects of hypophyseal trans plantations following total hypophysectomy in the canine. Quaterly journal of experimental physiology 1909, vol. II, p. 289.