1. Anonymous,American Poultry and Hatchery News 40, 1 (1964).
2. Azevedo, Jr., J. A., Hunt, E. G., and Woods, Jr., L. A.,Calif. Fish and Game 51, 276 (1965).
3. Bearse, G. E., “A Review of Pertinent Research on Pesticide Residues as it Relates to Poultry.” A report prepared for the Pacific Dairy and Poultry Assn., Los Angeles, Calif. (1964).
4. Cummings, J. G., Zee, K. T., Turner, V., Quinn, F.,J. Assoc. Offic. Anal. Chemists, 49, 354 (1966).
5. Food and Drug Administration, USHEW,Pesticide Analytical Manual (1963).