1. Abdel-khalik, A.R. and E.J. Lusk, ‘Transfer Pricing — A Synthesis,’ The Accounting Review (January 1974), pp. 8-23.
2. —, ‘Transfer Pricing — A Synthesis: A Reply,’ The Accounting Review (April 1975), pp. 355-58.
3. Ackelsberg, R. and G. Yukl, ‘Negotiated Transfer Pricing and Conflict Resolution in Organizations,’ Decision Sciences (July 1979), pp. 387-98.
4. Adams, J.S., ‘Inequity in Social Exchange,’ in L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 2 (New York: Academic Press, 1965).
5. Baily, A.D. and W.J. Boe, ‘Goal and Resource Transfers in the Multigoal Organization,’ The Accounting Review (July 1976), pp. 559-73.