1. W. H. Duckworth and A. D. Schwope, Mechanical Property Tests on Ceramic Bodies, WADG TR 52–67 (March 1952).
2. O. K. Salmassy, W. H. Duckworth, and A. D. Schwope, Behavior of Brittle State Materials, WADG TR 53–50, Part II (July 1955).
3. A. Rudnick, et al., WADD TR 59-744, Vol. VI (July 1960).
4. A. A. Griffith, Phys. Trans. Roy. Soc. A221, 163 (1920).
5. F. M. Anthony and A. L. Mistretta, Leading Edge Design with Brittle Materials Paper No. 61-151-1845, IAS-ARS Mtg., Los Angeles (June 1961).