1. K. R. Apt, R. Bol. Logic Programming and Negation: A Survey. To appear in Journal of Logic Programming.
2. K. R. Apt, M. Bezem. Acyclic programs. New generation computing, 29(3) pages 335–363, 1991.
3. K. R. Apt, K. Doets. A new definition of SLDNF-Resolution. Report CS-R9242, CWI, 1992.
4. K. R. Apt, D. Pedreschi. Proving termination of general Prolog programs. In T. Ito and A. Meyer editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, Lecture notes in Computer Science 526, pages 265–289, Berlin, 1991. Springer-Verlag.
5. M. Bergère, G. Ferrand, J-H. Réty. Independence of the Computation R for SLD-Resolution with Delay. Research Report LIFO 93-9, Orléans, 1993.