1. Zandman, F., “Analyse des Contraintes par Vernis Photoelastique” (“Stress Analysis with Photoelastic Coatings”), Groupement pour l'Avancement des Methodes d'Analyse des Contraintes (French SESA), 2, No. 6, 1956 (oral presentation 1955).
2. Zandman, F., and Wood, M. R., “PhotoStress, a New Technique for Photoelastic Stress Analysis for Observing and Measuring Surface Strains on Actual Structures and Parts,” Product Engineering, 167–178 (Sept. 1956).
3. Zandman, F., “Stress Analysis of a Guided Missile Tail Section with the Photoelastic Coating Technique,” Proc. SESA,XVII,No. 2 (1960).
4. Post, D., and Zandman, F., “The Accuracy of the Birefringent Coating Method for Coatings of Arbitrary Thickness,” XVIII,No. 1 (1961).
5. Timoshenko, S., andMacCullough, G. H., “Elements of Strength of Materials,”D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., N. Y. (1949).