1. S.Abiteboul. Towards a deductive object-oriented database language. DOOD '89, p. 419–438, 1989.
2. S.Abiteboul, C.Beeri. On the power of languages for the manipulation of complex objects. Report n. 846, INRIA, p. 1–60, 1988.
3. S.Abiteboul, S.Grumbach. COL: logic-based language for complex objects. Proc. EDBT, 271–293, 1988.
4. S.Abiteboul, P.C.Kanellakis. Object identity as a query language primitive. ACM SIGMOD Record, v.18, n. 2, p. 159–173, June, 1989.
5. M.Atkinson, et.al. The object-oriented database system manifesto. DOOD '89, p. 40–57, 1989.