1. For a recent collection of data and theoretical aspects of the Regge Pole Theory, see W. Frazer:Lectures to the International School of Physics «E. Fermi». Varenna, XLI course, 1967 (to be published); «Talks presented at the Symposium on Regge Poles» (Dec. 15–16, 1966), Argonne National Laboratory.
2. R. J. N. Phillips andW. Rarita - Phys. Rev.139 B, 1336 (1965).
3. F. Arbab andC. B. Chiu - Phys. Rev.147, 1045 (1966).
4. G. Höhler, J. Baacke, H. Schlaile, P. Sonderegger - Phys. Lett.20, 79 (1966).
5. J. D. Stack - Phys. Rev. Lett.16, 286 (1966).