1. While other countries, such as Norway and Japan, have also argued for the principle of differentiated targets, their positions were based on different concepts of what would constitute a ‘just’ process. Australia has attracted most of the international criticism for advocating differentiation, for example in John Gum-mer’s speech at Berlin in 1995, from President Clinton in a speech made during a visit to Australia in November 1996 at the Rio plus 5 conference in New York in 1997 and during the Conference of the Parties process.
2. Throughout this chapter “Greenhouse” is used to refer to anthropogenically induced climate change.
3. See M. Hajer, The Politics Of Environmental Discourse: Ecological Modernisation And The Policy Process (1995);
4. M. Hajer, Ecological Modernisation as Cultural Politics, in Risk, Environment and Modernity: Towards a New Ecology (S. Szerszynski Lash & B. Wynne eds., 1996).
5. Hajer, supra note 3, at 15.