Ladder and zig-zag Feynman diagrams, operator formalism and conformal triangles


Derkachov S. E.,Isaev A. P.,Shumilov L. A.ORCID


Abstract We develop an operator approach to the evaluation of multiple integrals for multiloop Feynman massless diagrams. A commutative family of graph building operators Hα for ladder diagrams is constructed and investigated. The complete set of eigenfunctions and the corresponding eigenvalues for the operators Hα are found. This enables us to explicitly express a wide class of four-point ladder diagrams and a general two-loop propagator-type master diagram (with arbitrary indices on the lines) as Mellin-Barnes-type integrals. Special cases of these integrals are explicitly evaluated. A certain class of zig-zag four-point and two-point planar Feynman diagrams (relevant to the bi-scalar D-dimensional “fishnet” field theory and to the calculation of the β-function in ϕ4-theory) is considered. The graph building operators and convenient integral representations for these Feynman diagrams are obtained. The explicit form of the eigenfunctions for the graph building operators of the zig-zag diagrams is fixed by conformal symmetry and these eigenfunctions coincide with the 3-point correlation functions in D-dimensional conformal field theories. By means of this approach, we exactly evaluate the diagrams of the zig-zag series in special cases. In particular, we find a fairly simple derivation of the values for the zig-zag multi-loop two-point diagrams for D = 4. The role of conformal symmetry in this approach, especially a connection of the considered graph building operators with conformal invariant solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation is investigated in detail.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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