From Early Bronze Age domestic plant production to Middle Bronze Age regional exchange economy: the archaeobotanical assemblages from Tel Kabri


Nicoli’ Marco,Riehl Simone,Cline Eric H.,Yasur-Landau Assaf


AbstractRecent excavations at the site of Tel Kabri have brought some extraordinary findings, including the earliest wine cellar in the ancient Near East discovered in 2013. During these excavations, archaeobotanical samples were collected continuously and then processed in 2019. The archaeobotanical studies focus on the Middle Bronze Age palace in Area DW and the Early Bronze Age domestic deposits in Area L. The results confirm the different nature of the two contexts. Legumes form a large portion of the crop remains in the Early Bronze Age Area L: Lathyrus sativus (grass pea), Vicia faba var. minor (faba bean), and Lens culinaris (lentil), all showing no drought stress and similar growing conditions in terms of moisture availability, as indicated by stable carbon isotope measurements. For Area L, several wild seeds have been identified to represent weeds of cereal crops, whereas Area DW is strongly affected by small wild seeds that entered the sediments as modern contaminants. Fruit crops are present in both assemblages with Olea europaea (olive), representing the most ubiquitous taxon, and Vitis vinifera (grape), with most of its pips found mineralized. The identified remains also include cereal crops, primarily Triticum dicoccum (emmer), which appears cultivated under exceptionally dry conditions. The stable nitrogen values for emmer also raised some questions regarding the growing location and cultivation strategy. Correspondence analysis has been applied, comparing the archaeobotanical assemblages of Tel Kabri within the wider geographical and chronological Levantine context and determining their placement in sub-regional patterns.


sfb 1070

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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