1. W. Hitzeroth:Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Hamburg, June 1965, vol.2 (Berlin, 1966), p. 209; more details are contained in:W. Hitzeroth: Internal report MPI-PAE/Exp.El. 4/68 (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, Munich, 1968); and in:W. Hitzeroth: Thesis, (Munich, 1968).
2. R. G. Vasilkov, B. B. Govorkov andV. I. Goldansky:Sov. Phys. JETP,10, 7 (1960);Nucl. Phys.,12, 327 (1959).
3. B. B. Govorkov, S. P. Denisov andE. V. Minarik:Yadernaya Fisika,6, 3, 507 (1967).
4. B. B. Govorkov, S. P. Denisov andE. V. Minarik:Yadernaya Fisika,4, 2, 371 (1966).
5. W. S. McDonald, V. Z. Peterson andD. R. Corson:Phys. Rev.,107, 577 (1957).