1. Eyerer, P.;Dekorsy, Th.;Schlickert, M.: Products - Materials - Environment. The Life Cycle Engineering Approach. Presentation: 1. Colloquium International Salzburg (CIS) 1990
2. Eyerer, P.;Saur, K.: Valuation and Decision making within LCA. Internal research report, IKP University of Stuttgart 1994 (not published).
3. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: A Technical Framework for Life Cycle Assessment, SETAC Washington DC, Januar 1991
4. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment: A Code of Practice. SETAC Europe, Brüssel 1993
5. Eyerer, P. et al.: Life Cycle Assessment of automotive products made out of steel, aluminium and polymers on the example oil filter for passenger car engines. Polymers in the automobile, VDI- Verlag, 1994, S. 5–42