1. EPA, Life-Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles, U.S. EPA, prepared by Battelle and Franklin Associates for the Office of Research and Development, (EPA/600/R-92/245) February 1993.
2. A Technical Framework for Life-Cycle Assessment, The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, workshop report, 1990.
3. Fava, J., et al. Product Life-Cycle Assessment, Roy F. Weston, Weston Way, February 1993.
4. Graedfl, T.E., B.R. Allnby, andP.R. Comrie, AT&T, “Matrix Approaches to Abridged Life Cycle Assessment,” Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 134–139, 1995.
5. EPA, Development of a Pollution Prevention Factors Methodology Based on Life-Cycle Assessment: A Lithographic Printing Case Study, prepared by BATTELLE for the Office of Research and Development, (EPA/600/R-94/157), January 1994.