1. M. Clauser, Phys. Rev. Lett., Proc. Int. Conf. on Elect. Beam Res. and Tech., Vol. 1, Albuquerque (1975), p. 135.
2. J. M. Nuckolls, ERDA Summer Studies of Heavy Ions for Inertial Fusion, LBL-5543 (1976), p. 1; S. Humphries, Jr., Plasma Phys.,17, 973 (1975); R. N. Sudan, Proc. Int. Conf. on Elect. Beam Res. and Tech., Vol. 1, Albuquerque (1975), p. 603.
3. M. Clauser, Phys. Rev. Lett.,35, No. 13, 848 (1975); J. W. Shearer, LLL Rep. No. UCRL-76519 (1975).
4. N. C. Christofilos, Proc. of the Second Int. U.N. Conf. on the Peaceful Use of Atom. Ener., Vol. 32, Geneva (1959), p. 279.
5. J. R. McNally, Oak Ridge National Lab. Rep. ORNL-TM-4575.