1. J.W. Mayer, Chapter 5 in “Semiconductor Detectors” ed. by G. Bertolini and A. Coche, North Holland Publishing Co., 1968.
2. Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Cadmium Telluride, 1971, Strasbourg.
3. S.P. Swierkowski and G.A. Armantrout, IEEE NS-22 No. 1, (1975) 205.
4. Proc. of the 2nd Symp. on Cadmium Telluride, 1976, Strasbourg, in Rev, de Physique Applique 12, No. 2 (1977).
5. G.A. Armantrout, S.P. Swierkowski, J.W. Sherohman, and H. Yee, IEEE NS-24 (1977) 121.