Mucus Secretion


Allen Adrian,Hunter Andrew C.,Mall Anwar H.


Springer US

Reference33 articles.

1. Allen A: Structure and function of gastrointestinal mucus, in Johnson LR (ed): Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract, ed. 1. New York, Raven, 1981, pp. 617–639. Detailed review of the structure and function of mucus secretions.

2. Allen A: Gastrointestinal mucus, in J.G. Forte (ed.): Handbook of Physiology — The Gastrointestinal System III. American Physiological Society, 1989. A recent review on most aspects of mucus.

3. Allen A, Flemstrom G, Garner A, et al (eds): Mechanism of Mucosal Protection in the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. New York, Raven, 1983. This volume contains a large number of original articles by leading investigators in the field.

4. Allen A, Garner A: Gastric mucus and bicarbonate secretion and their possible role in mucosal protection. Gut 21:249–262, 1980. One of the first reviews on the mucus-bicarbonate barrier.

5. Allen A, Hutton DA, Leonard AJ, et al: The role of mucus in protection of the gastroduodenal mucosa. Scand J Gastroenterol 21:71–77, 1986. A short review summarizing current concepts of the role of mucus in mucosal protection.

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