1. J. C. Guyot, G. H. Miley, J. T. Verdeyen, and T. Ganley, “On Gas Laser Pumping via Nuclear Radiations,” Symposium on Uranium Plasmas, U. of Fla., 1970; SP236. NASA Sci. and Tech. Inf. Div., Washington, D.C. (1971). pp 357–368.
2. G. H. Miley, J. T. Verdeyen, T. Ganley, J. Guyot, and P. Thiess, “Pumping and Enhancement of Gas Lasers via Ion Beams,” 11th Int. Symp. on Electron, Ion, and Laser Beam Technology, U. of Colo., 1971 (in press, San Francisco Press).
3. K. Thom and R. T. Schneider, “Nuclear Pumped Gas Lasers,” 9th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, N.Y.C., Jan. 1971, AIAA paper 71-110.
4. J. DeShong, Jr., “Optimum Design of High-Pressure Large-Diameter, Direct-Nuclear-Pumped, Gas Lasers,” ANL-7030, Argonne Natl. Lab, Argonne, Ill. (June 1965).
5. J. C. Guyot, Nucl. Eng. Program, U. of Ill. private communication, August, 1965.