1. Gaeta F.S., Mita D.G. and Perna G.: “Process of thermal diffusion across porous partitions and relative apparatuses”. Patents: Italy N°928656 of 25/6/71. U.K.n°23590 of 19/5/72. France n° 72–19189 of 29/5/72. URSS n°1798775/23–26 of 21/6/72. USA n° 260497 of 7/5/72.
2. Gaeta F.S. and Mita D.G., Proc.IV Int. Winter School of Biophysics of Membrane Transport, Wisla (Poland), Febr.18–28, part III, 197 (1977).
3. Gaeta F.S. and Mita D.G., J.Membr.Sci., 3:191 (1978)
4. Bellucci F., Bobik M., Drioli E., Gaeta F.S., Mita D.G. and Orlando G.: Cand.J.Chem.Eng., 56:698 (1978).
5. Bellucci F., Drioli E., Gaeta F.S., Mita D.G., Pagliuca N., and Summa F.: Trans.Faraday Soc., II, 75:247 (1979)