1. R. S. Berry, J.Chem.Phys. 78, 3976 (1983); R. E. Wyatt, G.Hose and H. S. Taylor, Phys.Rev.A 28, in press (1983); and references therein.
2. References to papers and remarks on semiclassical quantization can be found in P. Pechukas, J.Chem.Phys. 78 3999 (1983).
3. Applications to atomic physics reviewed in U. Fano, Rep.Progr. Phys. 46, 97 (1983).
4. Nuclear physics by Yu. F. Smirnov and K. V. Shitikova, Sov.J.Part.Nucl. 8, 344 (1977).
5. H. Klar, Phys.Rev.A 15, 1452 (1977).