1. H.B. Gilbody in Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics,Volume XV, eds. D.R. Bates and B. Bederson (Academic Press, New York).
2. A.I. Kislyakov and M.P. Petrov, Soviet Phys.-Techn.Phys. 15, 1252 (1971).
3. Symposium on electron capture by multiply charged ions in the Book of the Invited Papers of the XI ICPEAC in Kyoto, 1979, eds. K. Takayanagi and N. Oda (North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam (in Press).
4. Abstracts of Contributed Papers, XI ICPEAC, Kyoto,1979, eds. K. Takayanagi and N. Oda (North-Holland Publ.Comp., Amsterdam, 1979).
5. Proceedings of the Conference in Nagoya on Atomic Processes in Fusion Plasmas, 1979, organizer S. Ohtani (Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, in press).