1. I. Babuška, The continuity of the solutions of elasticity problems on small deformation of the region. ZAMM 39, 411–412 (1959) (in German).
2. I. Babuška, On randomized solution of Laplace’s equation. Casopis Pest. Mat. 86, 269–276 (1961).
3. I. Babuška, The stability of the domain of definition with respect to basic problems of the theory of partial differential equations especially with respect to the theory of elasticity I, II. Czechoslovak Math. J. 11, 76–105, 165–203 (1961) (in Russian).
4. I. Babuška, The theory of small change in the domain of definition in the theory of partial differential equations and its applications. Proc. Conf. EQUADIFF, pp. 13–26. Prague (1962).
5. I. Babuška, The stability of domains and the questions of the formulation of plate problems. Apl. Mat 7, 463–467 (1962) (in German).