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2. H.J. Joubert: “Flow Field Calculation in Compressor Operating with Distorted Inlet Flow”, ASME-Paper 90-GT-212, 1990
3. T.H. Fransson: “Analysis of Experimental Time-Dependent Blade Surface Pressures from an Oscillating Turbine Cascade with the Influence-Coefficient Technique”, ASME-Paper 90-GT-225, 1990
4. G.A. Gerolymos: “Comparison of Inviscid Computations with Theory and Experiment in Vibrating Transonic Compressor Cascades”, ASME-Paper 90-GT-373, 1990
5. J.M. Verdon: “Linearized Unsteady Aerodynamics for Turbomachinery Aeroelastic Applications”, AIAA-Paper 90–2355, 1990