1. Paper presented at a conference on Developing Utah’s Energy Resources: Problems and Opportunities;SL Albrecht,1972
2. Boice, L. P. Encountering a city: The spatial learning process of urban newcomers (Exchange Bibliography No. 1264). Monticello, Ill.: Council of Planning Librarians, 1975. (Available from Mrs. Mary Vance, Editor, P. O. Box 229, Monticello, Illinois 61856.)
3. Brody, S. E. Federal aid to energy impacted communities: A review of related programs and legislative proposals. Cambridge: M. I. T. Press, 1977. (Available from Energy Impacts Project, Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Planning, Room 4–209, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Energy Research and Development Administration Contract No. E 49–18.)
4. Coelho, G. V., & Stein, J. J. Coping with stress of an urban planet: Impacts of uprooting and overcrowding. Habitat, 1977, 2, 379–390.
5. Coelho, G. V., Hamburg, D. A., & Adams, J. E. (Eds.). Coping and adaptation. New York: Basic Books, 1974.