1. ASTM D32.02 1977 Physical-Mechanical Subcommittee Task Group on Attrition Abrasion.
2. Curran, G. P., & al. 1977 CONOCO. High temperature desulfurization of low–Btu gas, EPA 600/7–77–031.
3. Energy Resources Co., 1979, End of limestone for meeting env. constraints. Interim Rept. to EPA.
4. Engelhard Min. & Chem. Dir. Menlo Park, NJ, Wig-L-Bug, Attrition Test SM 3115.
5. Forsythe, W. L., and Hertwig, W. R., 1949, Attrition characteristics of fluid cracking catalysts, Ind. & Eng. Chem 41, No. 6, 1200.