1. Backlund, H. G. (1930) Contributions to the geology of Northeast Greenland. Meddr Gr4nland 74, 207–296.
2. Caby, R. (1972) Preliminary results of mapping in the Caledonian rocks of Canning Land and Wegener Halvç, East Greenland. Grinlands Geol. Unders. Rapport 48, 21–38.
3. Caby, R. (1976) Investigations on the Lower Eleonore Bay Group in the Alpefjord region, central East Greenland. Grgnlands Geol. Unders. Rapport 80, 102–106.
4. Chadwick, B. (1975) The structure of south Renland, Scoresby Sund, with special reference to the tectonometamorphic evolution of a southern internal part of the Caledonides of East Greenland. Bull. Grgnlands Geol. Unders. 112 (also Meddr Gr4nland 201, 2) 67 pp.
5. Haller, J. (1953) Geologie und Petrographie von WestAndrées Land und Ost-Frænkels Land (NE-Grönland). Meddr Gr¢nland 113 (5), 196 pp.