1. D. H. Sliney and M. L. Wolbarsht, 1980, “Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources,” Plenum Publishing Corp., New York.
2. D. H. Sliney, 1981, Laser Safety, in: “New Developments of Lasers,” L. Goldman, ed., Springer-Verlag.
3. L. Goldman and R. J. Rockwell, 1971, “Lasers in Medicine,” Gordon and Breach, New York.
4. World Health Organization, 1982, “Environmental Health Criteria Document No. 23, Lasers and Optical Radiation,” World Health Organization, Geneva.
5. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 1983, “Radiation Safety of Laser Products Equipment Classification, Requirements and Users Guide, Document TC76,” IEC, Geneva.