1. The phrase is taken from John Dewey’s collection of essays (1946) entitled, Problems of Men, Philosophical Library, New York, NY.
2. Among articles recently critical of the deductive approach are the following: Arthur Caplan (1980) “Ethical Engineers Need Not Apply: The State of Applied Ethics Today,” Science, Technology and Human Values
6 24–32;
3. Arthur Caplan (1982) “Mechanics on Duty: The Limitations of a Technical Definition of Moral Expertise for Work in Applied Ethics,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy
VIII Supplement, 1–18;
4. Arthur Caplan (1983) “Can Applied Ethics Be Effective in Health Care and Should It Strive to Be?”, Ethics
93 311–319;
5. Mark Lilla (1981) “Ethos, ‘Ethics’ and Public Service,” The Public Interest
63 3–17;