1. For reviews see, e.g.,
2. P. H. Elworthy, A. T. Florence, and C. B. MacFarlane, Solubilization by Surface Active Reagents, Chapman Hall, London, 1968;
3. C. Tanford, The Hydrophobic Eject, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1973;
4. P. Mukerjee and K. J. Mysels, Critical Micelle Concentrations of Aqueous Surfactant Systems, Natl. Stand. Ref. Data Ser., Natl. Bur. Stand. ##36, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
5. E. J. Fendler and J. H. Fendler, Catalysis in Micellar and Macromolecular Systems,Academic Press, New York, 1975.