1. Federal Water Quality Administration, Municipal Waste Facilities in the United States, No. CWT-6, 1970.
2. J. W. Day, Proceedings, Second International Symposium for Waste Treatment Lagoons, Kansas City, MO, 1970, pp. 23–250.
3. L. G. Rich, Water and Sew. Works 119, No. 5, 126 (1972).
4. J. C. Goldman, “The Effect or Carbon on Algal Growth—Its Relationship to Eutrophication,” Occasional Paper 6, Utah Water Research Lab., Logan, Utah, 1971.
5. P. C. Kerr, “The Interrelation of Carbon and Phosphorus in Regulating Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Populations in Aquatic Ecosystems”, FWQA Research Series 16050 FGS 07 /70, 1970.