1. Bird, C. L., The Theory and Practice of Wool Dyeing, 1963, The Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford.
2. Meyer, K. H. and H. Mark, Ber., 1928, 61, 593.
3. Paine, C. and F. L. Rose, Private communications quoted by T. Vickerstaff, The Physical Chemistry of Dyeing, 2nd ed., p. 179, 1954, ICI and OUver and Boyd, London.
4. Boulton, J., J.S.D.C., 1951, 67, 522.
5. Vickerstaff, T., The Physical Chemistry of Dyeing, 2nd ed., pp. 182–3, 1954, ICI and OUver and Boyd, London.